Home and Recreation

Liberal Christian Values Meet Video Games

How do I raise Christian children when video games are so important to their childhood?

two boys sit under a tree looking at a phone with tents in background
My boys sitting at the fair looking at a phone.

I really wish the Bible was a little more helpful for raising children. Yes, I must admit there are some wise comments on parenting in there. Jesus said to let the children come to him. Proverbs has some good one-liners. But, I don’t find the Bible has much to help me navigate the specific daily struggles of parenting. For that I seek advice from my friends, counselors and on-line communities. Screen time and media are particularly problematic. I wish I could go back to a pre-technological era, or erase all video games and television from our lives. Since I can’t, I have to figure this out. We have rules that work for our family. Screen time is a hot topic. Everyone has an opinion, so I cannot add much to the debate except to say that video games are not mentioned in the Bible, not even once. Check me if you want. I’m sure of it. Here are some resources that I think you might like if you are wondering how to navigate modern life, Liberal Christian values and video games. Ironically, all my resources are on-line.  

The first three resources below provide ideas on how to navigate parenting in this complex world we live in. The third resource is targeted towards Conservative Christians. I always like to know where I stand in the gamut of Christian perspectives, but I included it because the article made me think of how hard it is for me to raise my children with my faith and values in this crazy world. When my children were babies, I asked a fellow teacher with teenagers why she allowed any video games or television in her home at all if she hated them so much. She said video games were a huge part of the children’s culture and that is how the kids relate to each other. If her son was excluded from video games, he would be an outcast among his peers. That crash-course in reality has been the pain of my life ever since.  

It was easy when my kids were young. I chose their shows and movies and games. Now that they have more independence I find it necessary to talk with them about their choices. Negotiation is a huge part of interactions and sometimes I just have to put my foot down. Screen-time limits are the biggest struggle. We also wrestle with avoiding mature content and whether to allow chatting online with other games. There are some games and apps that peers have, but we forbid on principal. Sometimes my Mom-voice has to come out and I say, “I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but that’s my rule and I am not changing it. You have other choices available that you can enjoy.” 

Fair Play promotes a childhood free from consumer exploitation.

Common sense media has great advice on how to raise your child in a Post-Technological Revolutionary world.  

Ideas on how to raise children without technology exposure.

A summary of streaming services and television channels filtered for Christian content.  

Biblical Fundamentals Home and Recreation

Enjoy Life While You Can

Am I wrong for taking my children out when they could catch Covid?

When I was a kid I learned about germs and I was terrified. These invisible things are everywhere. They can get in your body through your nose and mouth. Sometimes they make you feel lousy and sometimes they kill you. So, you have to be very clean. Always wash your hands and never cough too close to anyone. My Dad found me hiding in my room, worrying that I would be like Typhoid Mary, whom I learned had killed a bunch of people by spreading her germs. I thought if I was very good I could save myself and everyone else, but the monumental task overwhelmed me. I couldn’t leave my room.

Dad explained to me, “No matter how good we are, people still get sick and die. That’s just how the world is. It sucks, but all we can do is enjoy our lives while we can.” Despite his passionate lecture (which was a lot longer and full of more colorful quotes than I have captured here) I wasn’t convinced so he licked his dirty hands! Then he said something like, “Now, I’m gonna go eat and watch tv and enjoy myself. And if I die then at least I will have had a good time first. Even Jesus said your time on Earth is short, so enjoy it while you can. You can’t live your life in fear, hiding in your room.”

I took my kids to a concert on Wednesday. They had the best time, but now my daughter is miserable with a fever. I started to flagellate myself for taking the kids to a crowded place – and without masks! But then I remembered my Dad’s wisdom. I gave her some ibuprofen. She is enjoying her rest time and she will never regret going to that concert.

Home and Recreation Political Matters Teaching and Homeschooling

My First Retraction

Oh dread! It seems I have to issue my first retraction. Hopefully this is my only one. Keeping things in perspective, bloggers and other writers often do have to retract their words. Since I have chosen to blog about religion, politics and parenting my words are bound to ignite fires at times.

The words I wish to take back are: “Most homeschooling parents worry that their kids will go to school to pick up bad habits and join forces with a criminal element. I’m just afraid they’ll become Republicans.” This was hyperbole and relevant to the article I had written. In the article I explained that I was glad to teach government in a homeschool environment since I was able to influence the subtle biases and misleading student remarks that may taint the public school course.

However, the first problem with my statement is my children have friends who are from Republican homes. We also have loved relatives who are Republican. Treating the average Republican like a criminal element and a poor influence is an unhealthy attitude. America has become polarized in an incendiary way – to the point that some talk of Civil War. I do not want to encourage polarizing, nor rejecting my friends and family.

The second problem with this statement is that I would like my children to have the chance to think for themselves. Ultimately, like most parents, I selfishly want them to be like me. But, I believe in freedom of choice and free will. They deserve the chance to think for themselves. That’s why they will return to school when the pandemic is over and their friendships will be supported.

Some day my kids will bring home their significant others and it will be like Cover of movie

Churches and Worship Home and Recreation

How Do I Justify Suffering To My Children When They Are Suffering?

Tell your children you are sad when they suffer and God probably is sad too.

048_editChristians often ask “Why does God allow so much evil in the world?” and “Why do good people suffer?” There are some pretty good resources out there that attempt to answer these questions and defend God’s creation. I like the book “Letters From A Skeptic” by Gregory and Edward Boyd for tackling these heavy issues. But as a parent I have to break it down for my children.

Home and Recreation

Agnes Raises a Good Question

How far would you go to make your children happy? Would you buy them everything they want if you could? Would you let them do anything they want so long as it is safe? Would you forfeit your own dreams or aspirations for them? Some people would turn to the Bible for answers to this question. Some say the Bible tells us everything we need to know to live.

Home and Recreation

Let’s Humble Ourselves About Our Parenting Triumphs and Tribulations

Before I had children I knew everything about parenting. My husband and I would observe families with children and make lists of behaviors our children would never exhibit. We thought parenting was scientific. We believed. If we train them in the way they should behave then they will not depart from it. I didn’t recognize how critical and judgmental I was. It was just plain stupid of me to think that I could actually control how my children grow up.

Biblical Fundamentals Home and Recreation

Does a Wife Have to Obey Her Husband?

Before obeying, read with discernment
Before obeying, read with discernment

Nope! As a Liberal Christian I believe that the Bible is subject to historical and contextual interpretations. I like the explanation that Wikipedia provides of Liberal Christianity. And it is a good thing I am a liberal because this is what the Bible says on obedient wives:


Wives submit to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now  as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Home and Recreation

That’s Enough! Turn It Off!

Though I am a liberal politically, socially, and in terms of Biblical Old School Antennaeinterpretation, there are some values that I hold on to rather tightly. Maybe these particular views are conservative. Maybe I am just an overprotective parent.

Home and Recreation

Gentle Parenting

Parenting seems to be twisted up with Christianity in some strange ways. There is a certain logic to the notion that God is our heavenly parent, just as we are parents; therefore our relationship with our children should reflect our relationship with our Lord. This is a great metaphor, but it is just a metaphor. We cannot literally take on a divine role with our children.

Biblical Fundamentals Home and Recreation

Mommy, can girls get married to each other?

Two mommies.
Two mommies.

Being liberal means, for one thing, that I support same gender marriages. When my daughter was four she asked me if girls can get married to each other.